
How a Hot Water Baseboard Cover can Improve your House

Any room in the house can be improved with a hot water baseboard cover, but which heater covers should you get?

hot water baseboard coverWhen the winter begins to set in, homeowners everywhere aim to get all of their housework done before the cold weather arrives full force. With such limited time to accomplish renovations in the home, a homeowner needs to be efficient and not waste too much time getting work done.

After all, if you can avoid hiring someone else to accomplish a renovation and can still pull it off efficiently, you should absolutely do it. However, there are some renovations that are a complete waste of your time and money, preventing you from being able to accomplish other necessary tasks to improve your home.

Baseboard heaters are a prime example of this because whether you do the work yourself or pay someone else to do it, a lot of work is done on something that isn’t going to last long. Homeowners always struggle with the baseboard because in order to fix it, you’ve got to take apart every piece on every strip of baseboard in the home, fix up all of the parts, and put it all back together again.

How to Fix your Baseboard Permanently

Fixing baseboard parts is not as easy as you’d think, as they get rusty, dusty, and dented and scratched from people constantly bumping into them. After all, they are on the floors by the walls so they are very easy to miss and get bumped into and damaged.

The deal killer is almost always the rust; the baseboard heaters are metal and because they absorb so much heat, they oxidize incredibly fast. Homeowners preparing for the winter will end up spending a weekend renovating their baseboard, only to have them get rusty and disgusting throughout the winter season.

Homeowners don’t want to waste their time accomplishing renovations that aren’t going to last them a long time, which is why a hot water baseboard cover is such a better option. With a baseboard cover, you can save yourself time and money with a much better looking renovation that is easier to maintain over time.

Getting NeatHeat’s Hot Water Baseboard Cover

A hot water baseboard cover from NeatHeat is the perfect renovation option because NeatHeat’s covers are made of a composite polymer, which means that, unlike baseboard heaters, they do not rust, chip, or dent. Plus, with their continuous white color, they do not easily show scratches; of course, you can still repaint the covers if you want.

All you’ve got to do is spray paint them a polymer based spray paint found at your average hardware store. The covers from NeatHeat have been designed slightly different from a polymer to make sure they do not melt or offset heat well below the operating temperatures of the home.

In addition, they have been modified to not yellow or fade in color over time, making them essentially the longest lasting renovation you can get for baseboard. A hot water baseboard cover from NeatHeat is also incredibly easy to clean, you just pop them off and use household products to get the job done.

NeatHeat’s covers are the best renovation you can possibly get for your home, and they save you quite a bit of time and money in the long run. To learn more about using NeatHeat’s hot water baseboard cover, click here.