
How NeatHeat makes Hydronic Baseboard Heaters Look Amazing

What are the pros and cons (if any) of using NeatHeat for your hydronic baseboard heaters?

hydronic baseboard heatersIt’s pretty obvious that, if you own a home, you always want it looking as good as possible. After all, you don’t want to come home from a long day at work to an uncomfortable, out-of-date residence; you want your house looking good 24/7.

Most people end up spending their precious weekends making up a list of chores to do to get their house in tip-top shape, especially around the spring and summer with jobs like yard work and outdoor work. However, there’s quite a bit of interior work to do with your house too, like repainting and replacing different parts of your home’s interior like tiling and such.

Some of these renovations can be easier said than done, mainly because no matter how much time or money you spend on the renovation, it won’t last long before requiring redoing. These tend to be the more frustrating jobs to accomplish, which is why many homeowners with hydronic baseboard heaters get very frustrated.

Frustrations with Hydronic Baseboard Heaters

Within months of you cleaning or repainting your hydronic baseboard heaters, all of the parts get rusted and disgusting again and you get to do all of the work all over again. This can be quite the headache, especially because it takes so much time to take apart each piece of baseboard and then you have to set to work cleaning or repainting.

Dealing with your hydronic baseboard heaters tends to be very time consuming and yields little to no reward, which is why residence owners look for an alternative method. The more common one is a baseboard cover because the cover can be much easier to maintain and can provide a better look to your baseboard.

However, you want a cover that accomplishes a few goals for you: first, you want your cover to be easy to install and maintain over time, so any work you have to do with your cover is simple. Second, you want your cover to act as a permanent replacement and not deal with any heat-related issues over time.

Third, you want your cover to be cost-efficient, providing you with as many benefits as possible for the price you pay and helping you save money in the long run. The solution comes through NeatHeat, a company dedicated to making the best covers possible for hydronic baseboard heaters.

Benefits of NeatHeat Covers

With NeatHeat’s covers, you get pieces that will snap to install or uninstall, making them very easy to use. All of the parts are simple to maintain because they are made of a composite polymer so, not only will they not rust, chip, or dent, but they can also be cleaned and painting using products found in your average home.

Household cleaning products and polymer spray paint, respectively, will do the job within minutes. All of the parts are heat-treated so they will not melt or offset gas well below the temperatures a home will operate in, and they are also specially designed to never yellow or fade in color, making them a much more permanent option.

With NeatHeat’s covers, you also get a different form of a heat flow through your house via convection instead of conduction. Since NeatHeat covers are a polymer (and therefore, an insulator) they will not absorb heat and rather provide the heat flow in a way that is much more preferable to the average home owner.

With NeatHeat covers, you get the best solution to fixing your hydronic baseboard heaters at a reasonable cost. To learn more about hydronic baseboard heaters and renovating them with NeatHeat, click here.